“Vatican Pope and US President United – Urging All Get Vaccinated As Moral Obligation” Prophecy News Updates – 4/9/21

Prophecy declared that the Vatican will use “sorceries” (i.e. pharmakeia or the use/administering of drugs, poisoning or vaccines) to deceive all nations and would use the “great men of the earth” as her merchants to push her Vaccination Agenda (Revelation 18:23-24) to kill people off before they get the chance to hear the last message of mercy as found in Revelation 14:6-12 and 18:1-5. The method of FEAR is being used today to take away freedom so people will comply, bow, and obey. Now is the time that we have to have a real connection with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. But the remnant of God will prevail “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 

‘Getting vaccinated is a moral obligation’: Biden and Pope unite over vaccine rollout

“President Joe Biden has adopted a strong stance on vaccinations stating in his Easter address that receiving a vaccine is a “moral obligation” in line with the view previously expressed by Pope Francis.”

Related: Joe Biden: Pope Francis Says Coronavirus Vaccine Is ‘Moral Obligation’

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Christians Reject Fear-Mongering Riots

For those digging a tad deeper into all this, the first and more obvious picture here is that it’s all political theater designed to make Trump look bad so as to allow the Democrats to win in the next election. They fear Trump really is draining the swamp. Everyone from Obama himself to bought and paid for lobbyists are now being investigated. This is why we saw the bogus impeachment proceedings for years and then the Covid 19 the last few months and now the riots ; and yes, this is why we saw all those tanks moving to every major city months ago. In fact, it has already been suggested that ‘this isn’t a protest anymore, this is a coup.’ Basic reality here is this. Trump is a republican that the left hates with a passion; and that is why only cities run by Democrats have the riots. They are doing all they can to get him out of office to stop the investigations. But they can only do so where they have the power. Sadly, that entails many people in many states.

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Fear keeps you OUT of Heaven!

maxresdefaultHow many of us have seen the FEMA camp videos wherein the one making the video always claims to have proof from multiple sources yet never once do they share a single valid source? And so my obvious question is; why are people so fearful about such invalidated claims? No I’m saying all of the videos are false. Many are, but not all and anyone with brains knows the government is corrupt and most Christians know the mark is about to be enforced. But I am saying the fear cultivated by those videos as well as the fear of the mark is in fact generated by Satan. In fact, it was prophesied to be this way right before the end. Biblical reality is, Satan is the most fearful being in the Universe. Not only does he flee in terror when an obedient Christian demands he get away from them, he knows his time is short wherein he will soon die in a very graphic manner. And so anyone bowing to his lies will become just as fearful because the one you emulate is the one you trust.  Continue reading