Churches Offering ‘Safe Places’ to Migrants Crossing Canadian Border

Border-Patrol-winter-640x480“Migrants are looking to be harbored by churches, hospitals, and schools to avoid potential deportation under Trump’s proposed immigration plans, according to CBC News. Doran Schrantz, the director of a faith organization geared to help illegal immigrants, launched a statewide effort in Minnesota to create “safe places” for migrants who face deportation after crossing into the country from the northern border. …Since starting the effort, Schrantz said there are now over 200 “faith leaders” who have promised to accept illegal immigrants into their churches to evade federal immigration law.” –Source

First of all a “migrant” is someone who came into a country legally either by using a visa who then stays for a while and either extends the visa to stay a little longer, or actually does the paperwork to gain citizenship of the country they are visiting in legally. So right off the headline and the one writing the article is being very deceptive. And as much as I wouldn’t vote for Trump or any other politician for that matter, the left keeps claiming he and others like him that say illegals are just that “illegal” anyone with a computer can dig up hundreds of videos wherein Trump and others have stated it’s not the legal migrants that’s the issue, it’s the illegal ones that’s causing the problem. But Rome and their political pawns on the left purposely lie about all that as this article and thousands like it confirms. And they lie because they must have the illegals flood into the nation to assure a massive voting bloc the next time they has some hell inspired agenda to get through the halls of Congress or excessively wicked leader to gain office.   Continue reading