youtube-sorry-reuters-640x480“We’ll soon be applying tougher treatment to videos that aren’t illegal but have been flagged by users as potential violations of our policies on hate speech and violent extremism. If we find that these videos don’t violate our policies but contain controversial religious or supremacist content, they will be placed in a limited state. The videos will remain on YouTube behind an interstitial, won’t be recommended, won’t be monetized, and won’t have key features including comments, suggested videos, and likes. …We’ve started rolling out features from Jigsaw’s Redirect Method to YouTube. When people search for sensitive keywords on YouTube, they will be redirected towards a playlist of curated YouTube videos that directly confront and debunk violent extremist messages. We also continue to amplify YouTube voices speaking out against hate and radicalization through our YouTube Creators for Change program.” –Source

You do realize what YouTube is saying here right? They are boldly declaring that if you’re a Christian, and when I say Christian I mean Bible believing obedient child of God who will not declare Allah is Godhomosexual marriage is ok or the Vatican is a Christian organization. That type of Christian will be censored on YouTube. But the truth is, they have already been censoring Christians for years. Ever notice how the amount of hits on my videos have gone down lately? Now I know 8500+ subscribers isn’t a lot, but as is also obvious, it’s not as often as it should be that we see over 1000 hits per video even though when I had next to no subscribers the hits were off the chart. Plus, when they censor the hits, they’re also preventing subscribers. And I am not going to buy subscribers as some have been caught doing in the past.  

Seeing how Google controls YouTube to the core, and just as my website has been censored on Google for years nowYoutube has also been censoring meand quite a few other Christians I know personally. Some from the same church I pastor. That all being said, do you recall this video from years ago wherein all that I shared was 100% historically accurate, and I even shared pictures to prove the Nazis were saluting the Pope on camera; yet YouTube emailed me stating that the video would be blocked in Israel and Germany so as to comply with local laws. Or what of the Roman Catholic commercial wherein I committed no copyright infringement at all, yet YouTube pulled all three of those videos because Roman Catholics who push a progressive pro-sin agenda, complained about it.

I believe the only reason this article on Breitbart came out yesterday was because YouTube finally perfected their censoring technology by testing them on sites like mine and others over the years and now that they can remove our comment section, our suggested video section and even censor the videos we like from anyone in the public from seeing them, they will now use the newly structured tools in their arsenal of hate to prevent the love and truth of Jesus from being shared. That is how much Satan fears the truth we preach.

Now.. there is absolutely nothing to worry about here. As students of prophecy we know there is not a single Bible prophecy that says they will be successful in preventing the Loud Cry from going forth. So let them flex their muscles all they like. As we speak the Lord has already made it possible for those that need to hear the truth will hear it. So, keep making the videos, keep proclaiming the truth, and keep walking in the Lord. The fact they are doing all they can to prevent what prophecy stated eons ago would be happening right now proves Satan knows he has little time left and that my brothers and sisters is the best news a Bible believing obedient child of God loves to hear.

Christ is risen, and Christ will come again.. and God’s people shout, indeed, come Lord Jesus! MARANATHA!

Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
Man ‘marries’ his laptop, sues for state recognition and a wedding cake * Astronomers stunned by star ‘nursery’ age find * Sweden: Pastors Told They Cannot Refuse to Marry Same-Sex Couples * VIDEO: Thug Life Christian Pastor VS Gay Pastor * All You Have To Know About The Letter Pope Francis Sent To World Leaders * 80 sheep commit suicide in Turkey * Red Cross and Vatican helped thousands of Nazis to escape * Every five minutes a Christian is killed for believing in Christ. Yet most churches in America say nothing about it! * Visa offers restaurants $10,000…if they stop accepting cash * VIDEO: Delete Facebook * Trump Asks Why Congress, Insurance Companies Are Exempt from Obamacare Failings * Dinesh D’Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats * VIDEO: Venezuela: Regime Claims ‘Complete Normalcy’ as ‘Sham’ Election Leaves over Dozen Dead * Secret Islamic networks in U.S. doing the unspeakable to young girls * Unchain the Constitution, students demand * UMN safe space only for ‘same-gender-loving people of color’ * VIDEO: Hundreds on East End get meat allergy from Lone Star tick’s bite * VIDEO: Mexican teenager dies after drinking liquid meth in front of smiling US border officers * VIDEO: Cops Say Florida Man Set Pregnant Ex-Girlfriend On Fire In Front Of Her 2 Young Kids * FYI: No more bug bites when you sleep? * Trump administration suggests ending enforcement of Obamacare’s individual mandate


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